APMI Publications

Publishing with APMI

There’s never been a better time to publish your book with APMI Publishing and Publications and share it with millions of readers by making it available as paperback, hardcover and/or eBook copies on international outlets such as Amazon, iBookStore, Nook and Kobo Store. Since we are using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform, an Amazon Company offering a print-on-demand distribution by making your book available on all major Amazon markets – there is no need any more for you to purchase thousands of copies of your printed book as part of your first publication – LONG GONE are the days that books are stored in a garage – the way to go: PRINT ON DEMAND!

THE VISION is to produce and publish written materials such as: magazines, books (paperback and hardcover), eBooks, leaflets or other documents, teaching manuals, university courses etc. Our heart is to establish and equip believers with relevant teaching that would cause them to be victorious and well established in their pursuit to follow their divine destinies.

In some cases publishers demand sole & exclusive rights to publish, sell and/or license the publication, but APMI Publishing and Publications on the other hand will NOT retain the rights for that which we publish! APMI Publishing and Publications does NOT own any author’s books or licenses for publication, we simply desire to help and enhance authors (and their material), especially new authors, to get their book/s out there is a professional printed format.

Note: Drs Alan and Jennifer’s books are available as eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcovers on your local AMAZON market, iBOOKSTORENOOKSTORELULU, and other retail outlets. Thank you.

About the Founders

Drs Alan and Jennifer Pateman

Founders of Alan Pateman World Missions, Connecting for Excellence International Family Network, LifeStyle International Christian University. President and Vice President of World Missions Ministries Association and APMI Publishing/ Publications.

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