Just lately, I’ve been so concerned for the Church and its leaders. It’s important first of all to respect everyone, and not undermine the committed relationships that one has made, nor usurp positions of authority or responsibility.
Personally, I am an interdenominational minister, as I see there’s only ONE CHURCH. Jesus Christ being the Head, the Holy Spirit being His divine Administrator. The Lord is our Senior Apostle.
I also, of course, respect denominational groups and continue to work with everyone, where I possibly can. In Romans 12:16-18 in the Amplified it emphasises clearly that we are to live in harmony with one another.
And then it goes on to say, “Do not be haughty [conceited, self-important, exclusive], but associate with humble people [those with a realistic self-view]. Do not overestimate yourself. Never repay anyone evil for evil. Take thought for what is right and gracious and proper in the sight of everyone. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Within the Church, of course, there is much diversity. But diversity was never meant to bring division or self-preservation, (certainly where culture is concerned). It’s true to say that I am English and white by birth, but I progressed to Kingdom status.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28 NIV).
We are all ONE, yet the Church has seemingly developed into a largely divided BLACK or WHITE entity! Representing, for the most part, traditions and culture. We’ve moved away from the bible and have become traditional or at best RELIGIOUS. We also see ministers promoting themselves above their congregations, by wearing such ostentatious religious garments, this means “grandiose” and “pretentious,” which only serves towards “self-aggrandisement.”
Please let me say this, I was ordained a bishop in Uganda over 300 churches back in 2004 (I have personally ordained over 500 ministers and trained hundreds of pastors through LICU, ALL Africans), but it needs to be said, Prophets and Apostles Need to be Restored, Not Bishops. Religious people have a way of taking what is scriptural, sacred and workable and converting it into a lifeless religious form and a pyramid hierarchal structure that restricts God’s purpose and brings bondage to His people. When the Church becomes more structural than spiritual, it becomes petrified wood instead of a fruitful growing tree with the sap flowing. When it becomes more spiritual than structural, it becomes like dissipating and destructive floodwaters without any control or order.
For this reason, both apostles and prophets must be prominent and coequal in laying the foundation for the Church. No church will have a balanced and proper foundation and function without the ministry of both apostles and prophets.1
There is nothing in this system, which corresponds exactly to the modern diocese episcopate; bishops, when they are mentioned (Philippians 1:1) are from a board of local congregational officers and the position occupied by Timothy and Titus is that of Paul’s personal lieutenants in his missionary work. It seems most likely that he was then specially designated with the title of bishop; but even when the monarchical bishop appears in the letters of Ignatius, he is still the pastor of a single congregation.
The word episkopos occurs five times in the NT: once of Christ (1 Peter 2:25) and in four places of “bishops” or “overseers” in local churches (Acts 20:28; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:7). The verb episkopeo occurs in Hebrews 12:15 (“watching”) and (in some NT MSS) 1 Peter 5:2 (“exercising the oversight”).2
A bishop may be the senior pastor of a local church, or the apostolic-prophet or prophetic-apostle over several ministers and churches. It is not necessarily a fivefold calling, but an administrative office that is given by others and not by oneself. I am scripturally convinced that the use of the title “bishop” is not wrong if the person bearing the title meets its qualifications and if the motive and purpose for its usage are according to Biblical principles. But if the office of bishop develops into a pyramid papal system (man made) as it did during the deterioration of the Church, then it becomes wrong.3
We are meant to be making disciples for Jesus! When was the last time you saw Jesus (within this New Covenant of better things), dress up like a Pharisee, in such religious garb?
PLEASE, let somebody out there show me ONE SCRIPTURE in the New Testament, where it says that we should dress with such religious clothing, pomp and ceremony? My bible tells me that I am to forsake all for the sake of Christ.
“But whatever former things were gains to me [as I thought then], these things [once regarded as advancements in merit] I have come to consider as loss [absolutely worthless] for the sake of Christ [and the purpose which He has given my life].
But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him— a joy unequaled].
For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him [believing and relying on Him], not having any righteousness of my own derived from [my obedience to] the Law and its rituals, but [possessing] that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith” (Philippians 3:7-9 AMP).
I will follow up this letter of deep concern…
From my desk,
Dr Alan
- Taken from “Apostles Prophets and the Coming Moves of God” by Bill Hamon, page 175, published 1997 by Destiny Image Publishers
- Taken from “Apostles, Can the Church Survive Without Them?” by Alan Pateman, page 25-26, published 2012 by APMI Publications; see also “The Age of Apostolic Apostleship, Complete Series” by Alan Pateman, published 2017 by APMI Publications
- Taken from “Apostles Prophets and the Coming Moves of God” by Bill Hamon, page 178, published 1997 by Destiny Image Publishers
NOTE: Don’t forget, Dr Alan’s books are available as Paperbacks, Hardcovers, or eBooks on all AMAZON markets, the iBOOKSTORE, NOOKSTORE, LULU, and other retail outlets.