The Secrets of the Anointing

One of the main keys to receiving an impartation of the anointing is sowing seed into the anointing that we serve. And when I speak of the anointing, of course I’m referring to those who are doing the works of God’s Kingdom. The fact remains, wherever Jesus is truly present, blind eyes are opened, deaf ears are healed, and salvation is taking place and so much more.

So the question must then be: IS JESUS IN THE CHURCH?

Considering the Church represents His Body it’s stunning we even have to ask that question! Nevertheless, it’s a valid question indeed.

So, as I touch on this particular key today, (because I hear so many excuses not to be obedient in this area) it is important for us all to understand–with the abundance of clarity–that God calls each and every one of us to sow into the work of His Kingdom. And most Christians know this and many do indeed tithe, although many give with limited revelation concerning their seed.

In all honesty most Christians expect their offering only to help the local work of God continue and that’s about it. They give simply believing that their physical money helps meet physical needs in the ministry, while wanting to obey God’s general instruction to tithe. BUT… so much more happens in the spirit realm when we give (providing we give in conjunction revelation knowledge–being deeply convinced of that truth, on a heart-level).

“Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] ​For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:7-8 AMPC).

It’s that simple. Whatever we sow, we reap. God gives us seed. After that two conditions exist for our seed: Good soil or bad. But who in their right mind deliberately chooses to sow into poor soil! We should choose to plant our seed (not dry or unhealthy soil), into rich and healthy soil. Only one condition will produce a harvest and spiritual blessing. Seeds sown into a perfectly nutritious environment causes plants to grow, and healthy bountiful harvests can come forth as a result. Likewise, when we sow into TRUE ANOINTING, we will always reap from that anointing. And it will be abundant in our lives.

I have come to ​give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!” (John 10:10 TPT)

Jesus paid a great price for us to receive ABUNDANT LIFE. But in order to receive that abundant life, we need to be receiving the fullness of Jesus, Who comes in power.

“Jesus who comes in power is the anointing. You need the power of God to break yokes of poverty and release abundant finances. You need the power of God to break generational curses of sickness and release abundant health. You need the power of God to cast out demons of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and night terrors. You need the power of God to break the yoke of stagnancy and rejection and open supernatural doors for you.” –Apostle Kathryn Krick

In order to receive the precious anointing in our lives, so that we can walk in God’s power, we MUST sow into that anointing. Harvest is not something that is automatic and don’t come out of nowhere. Any harvest has to meet certain criteria and conditions. In fact there are rules of engagement to EVERY endeavour we undertake and its no less true of spiritual harvests.

I reemphasize, no one wants to sow (deliberately) into spiritually bad soil, and expect to receive anointing. It’s not going to happen! It’s not rocket science. Whatever we sow, we reap. It’s repetitive but true. God doesn’t want us sowing, just so the Church can have money, to meet needs in the natural realm alone (although that’s important too!) Instead God desires that we sow seed—with spiritual understanding—concerning the power of our seeds sown. The real purpose that the Lord wants us to sow seed (active and regular giving) is for what we become eligible to receive in the process. (To be clear, the anointing cannot be bought or sold. Rather it’s always about the heart and value of sacrificial giving).

God desires that our lives are transformed and He desires more than anything to release His anointing to us. Why wouldn’t He want that? Especially when it enables us to serve Him and His Kingdom better, with a heavenly capacity and with more excellence.

Sowing is just one of the ways (but not least), which allows divine exchange to occur. Resources are important to all of us, to do life and do it well. But it is a spiritual truth, that when we sacrifice (give) we are transformed. God the Father gave and got a harvest. For example, Jesus became human and the Father sowed Him, subsequently reaping a human harvest! (John 3:16) Consider that! He surrendered His very best, in order to get us in the exchange.

So, surrendered lives involve sacrifice. And Jesus showed us exactly what being a living sacrifice looked like, (Rom 12:1). And God continues (all of our lives) to prompt us to give, in ways (and amounts) that are a real sacrifice to us at times. As we all like to say–new levels, new devils—equally true is the fact that—the greater the anointing, the greater the sacrifice. “For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required,” (Luke 12:48 AMPC).

Our lives are all about God’s Kingdom and not all about cultivating our own selfish desires or agendas. IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS. Therefore, with our sacrificial seed, let’s honour those who have honoured us, by their obedience.

Apostle Dr Alan Pateman

PS: To all of our LICU students, let us be faithful to our study and financial requirements, to fulfil God’s mandate upon each of our lives.

Revival Is Now, Amen

NOTE: Don’t forget, Dr Alan’s books are available as Paperbacks, Hardcovers, or eBooks on all AMAZON markets, the iBOOKSTORENOOKSTORELULU, and other retail outlets.
