The Anointing Oil

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” (Psalm 133:1-3 KJVS).​

Notice how the anointing flows from the top down and not up! This is spiritual gravity.

The unity of the brethren is not one-size-fits-all, because although we are members of one body, we still have many different roles (Rom 12:4-6) It’s more about co-labouring and co-operating together. To illustrate this it’s fairly common knowledge that water can always find its own level, which means that no matter what, when water flows it is always going to go down towards the lowest point and is always going to be level. 

Rooted and Grounded 

Let’s take this a step further by simply saying connection matters. Hydrodynamics (a branch of science that focuses on fluids and the dynamics of water) has proven that water naturally finds a horizontal plane and settles at the same height as long as they are in— connected vessels or bodies of water—that are in communication with each other. This principle is scientifically known as the “Law of Communicating Vessels.” Metaphorically this speaks loudly of the importance of unity; to the degree we stay in “one accord” is the degree we stay truly level! (Rom 12:4-6; Acts 1:14; 2:1, 42-47). 

On the other hand, when it comes to the anointing oil (instead of water) our spiritual equilibrium only comes from the HEAD down. From Christ alone does the oil initiate. And it’s only through the order of the Spirit that it continues to flow, reaching the very periphery (head—beard—edge Ps 133:1-3). From the top to the bottom and everything in between. No part of the Body is excluded when things are done in divine order. 

To be part of what God is doing, to be recipients of the flow, we must be true members of the Body. Rooted and grounded. Planted and continually being established. Spiritual window shopping doesn’t get it done. We never get to negotiate the terms of God’s Kingdom. Only those on the inside, who are positioned to receive, (true disciples who are committed and willing), get oiled! 

God will not Work Against Himself 

Obviously the head refers to leadership. God will not work against Himself. When He pours out his anointing it runs from leadership down not the other way around. Without exception. And once Jesus ascended on high, the Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:8; 2:4). This power was from the top down and has never been reversed. So, as God’s people, we must find where the anointing is flowing liberally. Eventually, if we stay long enough, we will get fully saturated and well-soaked. But the condition is staying. 

The flow runs down and never stops, like a water fall. If you stay, you stay wet. If you move, you dry. By implication, we are meant to live in the overflow and to receive an impartation of anointing regularly, either through a church or a ministry (Psalm 1:3). 

God gave gifts to the Church so that believers would be edified and would receive the proper spiritual nutrients to thrive and mature. Living victorious lives, overcoming and walking in power. Multiplying themselves by, “making disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Mat 28:19-20; Eph 4:11-16). 

God’s Formula Never Fails

By His system of training, equipping and strengthening, His Body remains healthy, while receiving the correct spiritual food to keep it nourished (1 Cor 3:2).  

You breed what you feed. If it is spiritual maturity that you want—which is all important—then week-in-and-week-out you must stay faithful and stay the course that God has set for you. The plants in my garden would die if I repotted and replanted them every week! The same applies to us of course. For our roots to get established we must keep them buried. 

Whether you attend a Church faithfully in person or online, you need to keep plugged in, to keep the anointing flowing into your life and keep receiving an impartation. (Fellowship is important too don’t forget, iron sharpens iron to knock all those rough edges off! Heb. 10:25). There’s no such thing as “Independents” out there (spiritually speaking). There is no provision made by God for any loan-wolf anointing! No spiritual-islands. No spiritual hermits or recluses either. Or “self-employed” and “disconnected” members. This would deny Christ’s order and dislocate his body. (There’s no leg walking around out there on its own, it must remain part of the body to remain functional—opposed to being spiritually dysfunctional). 

There’s a Cost to the Impartation – Obedience 

We must be trustworthy to walk in power, with impartation. And God will often lead you to the right vessel from which you will receive the anointing. The right person to pour into your life. You must locate them and be loyal. The teaching and equipping you receive will help you steward the anointing accurately, and to overcome all the schemes that come against God’s anointed. 

Spiritual Maturity: You need teaching and discipline to mature spiritually, so that you can help disciple others. But you need the anointing to be continually flowing to you (before it can flow from you); gradually you will be able to receive more and more of it as you prove trustworthy in carrying that anointing well. It is a great responsibility, but God yearns for you to be mature in Him. 

God said seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness (Matt 6:33) and the Kingdom has a culture all of its own (Rom 14:17), but it is definitely not like our modern secular Western culture. Our world offers us everything at the tip of our fingers, from food to entertainment. It is very much a buffet culture. We have so much to choose from. Even our favourite preachers are available by podcast, YouTube, endless social media platforms, audio books etc., the list is endless and the options certainly exceed our availability. And anointed vessels of God are not more fast food options, they’re not on a menu at the drive thru so that we can eat spiritually on the run! 

Wholeheartedness Locates you before God 

NOTE: Don’t forget, Dr Alan’s books are available as Paperbacks, Hardcovers, or eBooks on all AMAZON markets, the iBOOKSTORENOOKSTORELULU, and other retail outlets.
